Rather than a working group, Colombia Diversa is a team of people who every day put their hearts and knowledge at the service of the defense of a country free of discrimination, exclusion and peace. They are professionals in areas such as law, anthropology, social work, communication, accounting and administration, among others.


Colombia Diversa is a non-governmental organization that has been fighting for the rights of those who have been discriminated for loving, being or appearing "different" since 2004. In order to live in an equal society for all, we develop strategic litigation, advocacy and research on human rights of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender people in Colombia.

Back in the days when it was an utopia to dream of equal marriage or adoption, legal guarantees for same-sex couples or expressing affection in public without being discriminated against, among other things, there was a group of people who believed in the dream of a free, equal and equal Colombia for all LGBT people. That is how Colombia Diversa was born.


In order to achieve full recognition and respect for the rights of LGBT people in Colombia, we work with respect, professionalism, transparency, political independence and work in alliance with organizations that promote our work and inclusion.


Santiago Eder Garcés

historiador y economista
de la Brown University.

Brigitte Baptiste

Bióloga y rectora
de la Universidad EAN.

Ana Elissa Leiderman

Experta en negocios y
alcance de público objetivo
a través de simulaciones
de engagement.

Virgilio Barco

Politólogo con maestría
en economía y consultor
en desarrollo económico.

María Camila Moreno

Antropóloga y geógrafa
experta en derechos
humanos DIH.

Hernando Muñoz

Trabajador social y doctor
en perspectivas de género
en ciencias sociales.

Héctor Fabio Cardona

Periodista y asesor
experto en comunicaciones

Gustavo Osorio

Abogado y consultor en
seguridad social y profesor
de la Universidad Externado
de Colombia.


